Each student to be admitted, together with his/her parents or guardians will appear to be interviewed by a member(s) of the Admissions Committee.
Admission Policy & Procedures
EACS prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability. EACS reserves the right to evaluate the ability of any student seeking admission to the school
The following documents, as applicable, are to be presented prior to official enrollment:
- Non-refundable registration fee per child
- Completed Application
- Pastoral Recommendation
- Statement of Faith
- Parental Covenant
- Certified Birth Certificate – must make a copy from the original certified certificate
- Current physical with up-to-date immunizations[Form IL 444-4737 (R-01-12)] updated annually
- COVID Vaccination Card – 5years old and Up
- Completed Emergency Card with signature – updated annually
- Completed CACFP application – updated annually – CCAP families ONLY
- Completed School Lunch Form – applicable students
- Competed CACFP Medical Exception statement (if applicable) – all food allergies must be documented on physical
- Signed Parent Handbook Receipt page – updated annually
- Orientation
- Book Fee: Pre-K3 = $50.00, Pre-K4 = $85.00, Kindergarten = $150.00, 1st – 8th = $280.00
- Copy of the latest report card and other achievement test scores (Transfer Students)
- Testing Fee = $100
***All fees are subject to potential change